GFI MailEssentials 12

July 21, 2008 · 230 comments

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The reporting engine and output is excellent. It gives you a good view of what is going on and what has been captured and by what mechanism. This is very useful for senior management to see what effect this software is having on their bottom line. Using these numbers, it is very easy to show the value of the product. Just take the number of message being stopped and then estimate how much user-time is being saved if it takes 10 seconds to read a mail header and decide to throw it away. Depending on the average salary in your company, it should take no time to prove that this product pays for itself. There are some features that should be added:

  1. Output to PDF. While a web page is nice, reports need to be circulated and they should output a nice PDF file that can have one or more of the reporting options.
  2. Scheduled reporting. The product currently uses ad-hoc reports. Being able to schedule reports and send them out via E-mail is quickly becoming a standard feature in the competition and needs to be added.
  3. Graphs. Numbers are great, but pictures say a thousand words. Pie charts and bar charts need to be added. It is impossible to even take the current output and get them into Excel or other package to develop graphs. We have been doing it all manually. What a drag 🙁

Product Features

The product comes with 12 modules for fighting different kinds of SPAM and gives the user a lot of options to meet their individual needs. You can set the module priority to make modules execute in the order you want. For example, you can execute your whitelist after SPF and blacklists, or vice-versa. Significant gains in performance can be realized be customizing the order, or it can cripple your installation. The rule here is to experiment. The modules can be configured to log results to a flat file, send a non-delivery report (NDR), send to Junk E-mail, forward to another mailbox, tag the subject line or move to another specified folder. We decided early on, not to send SPAM to the users in any way. There is no point having users sift through tons of SPAM on the off chance of finding a false positive. If there are too many of those occurring, then either the product is inferior or misconfigured. We send all filtered messages to a central quarantine mailbox that has a 30-day retention rule. That mailbox can be accessed by any IT staff on request of a user or randomly checked.

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Article by Steve Van Domelen

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